Covid-19 Update: Winter 2020

To Our Shoppers and Community,

Today, November 13, 2020, we learned that an employee of our store tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). This employee works in the administrative department and has minimal contact with the public. Regardless, we take this matter seriously. In the interest of transparency, we want to inform you of the steps we’re taking to ensure the continued safety of our valued staff and community.

The employee’s most recent work day at the Co-op was Thursday, November 5, 2020. Late that day the employee learned that they may have had second-hand exposure to the disease (the possibility of exposure to someone who may also have been exposed to COVID-19). The employee acted responsibly and immediately notified us of their possible second-hand exposure.

Mutual concern from both parties led this employee to self-quarantine immediately upon contacting the Co-op, and not return to work. Though they had no symptoms at that point, the employee sought testing and waited in quarantine for the result.

Five days later, on Tuesday, November 10 the employee developed symptoms often associated with COVID-19, and again contacted the Co-op to inform us of this development.

We immediately performed our sanitizing and disinfecting procedures in all areas of our store where the employee worked. Then contacted the local health department at this point to seek guidance, and learned the timeline of events and actions taken were in the Co-op's favor, and risk of contagion was very low.

Today, November 13, 2020, upon learning the employee's test result came in positive for COVID-19, The Co-op decided a full transparency approach would be best, and drafted this announcement.

We feel we are fortunate in this situation: The employee did not exhibit symptoms while at work and communicated their status as soon as they were aware of it. We were able to act quickly and without hesitation. Presently, the employee is in good health and has required no medical attention.

We have identified all potential team members who may have come into contact with the affected employee and are constantly checking in with them while they gauge their ongoing health status. We support all team members as they navigate their personal health monitoring and encourage communication to remain open at all times.

We continue to prioritize our store’s cleanliness and safety standards, redoubling our efforts with focused daily cleaning systems. Each department in our store performs a sanitation rotation, disinfecting all areas in a timely and effective manner as recommended by the CDC.

Our Co-op cleanliness procedures include constant monitoring of:

Properly worn masks at all times, for staff and shoppers

Sanitation of shopping carts and baskets after each use

Sanitation of high-touch surfaces such as in-store phones, keyboards, restrooms and common areas

Proper 6-foot social distancing among staff and shoppers

As we navigate through this ever-changing health climate and approach a winter cold and flu season, we are ever-vigilant to slow the spread.

Please know that there is no need for immediate alarm or concern at the moment. We have faith that together, through the concrete actions provided above, we can continue to create a safer environment for our incredible community.

SLO Food Co-op will continue to support all team members in taking the time they need to self-quarantine when feeling unwell, welcoming them back when they recover and are cleared for return.

For any further questions, concerns or communications, please contact

We thank you for your understanding, patience and continued support!

Hayley Cain